11 Mart 2025
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subota, 11 Oktobar 2014 01:19

Zlatan Karić & P.A. - Cold play

Pjesma se nalazi na prvom albumu benda Paranoid Android koji je izdao Hayat 2002. godine. Pjesma je autorsko djelo Zeničanina Zlatana Karića. Zlatan Karić je rođen u Zenici 1981. godine. Pored nekoliko lokalnih zeničkih bendova bio je član i sarajevskog benda Paranoid Android sa kojima je uradio jednu svoju autorsku pjesmu. Trenutno je član Cover Arta iz Zenice.

Zlatan Karić & Paranoid Android - Cold play


All that I had was life upon this paper.
All that I’we spent was life that I just gave her.

So you came into my life,as a real seduction.
You came out there and took my pride,to my satisfaction.

All that I had was written on a paper I want to live again
All that I had was life upon this paper I want to live,I want to live again….

So you came into my life,as a real seduction.
You came out there and took my pride,to my satisfaction.

All that I had was life upon this paper I want to live again.
All that I had was life upon this paper I want to live,I want to live again….

I want to live again…