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ponedjeljak, 30 Juni 2014 20:15

Topčić Polje by Dijana Muminović

Svjetsko prvenstvo je za nas gotovo i vrijeme je da se vratimo u realnost u kojoj živimo. Nekoliko naselja nizvodno od Zenice je još neuslovno za život dostojan čovjeku, ljudi još otkopavaju kuće i bore se sa posljedicama najgore katastrofe koja se desila od rata. Dijana Muminović je jedna od rijetkih fotografkinja koja još obilazi poplavljena područja nizvodno od Zenice. Foto - momenti koje sreće putom su ovdje pa možete vidjeti kako izgleda.

Topćić polje, 20. juni. Opise je napisala Dijana: 


View of Topcic Polje one month after the flood and landslides destroyed hundreds of houses. 


A man is seen through the neighbor’s muddy window as he’s taking a break from cleaning houses in Topcic Polje.


Many of the houses in Topcic Polje are still 4 meters underground. Some families managed to clean the first floor, remove debris and the ground with bulldozers, and also their own hands. 
Mrs. Ajanovic walks on debris that the landslides brought into her yard.


Husband and wife transport necessities for their home.


“I released my chicken during the flood and landslide time,” said Esko Menzilovic. “You can see some of them around the neighborhood.” Menzilovic hid in the forest when landslides hit Topcic Polje.


Most people do not wish to return to Topcic Polje. They fear the landslides and are concerned about their safety and the safety of their children. 


It costs 50 convertible marks ($40) per hour to rent a machine to help removing the ground so the houses can be dug out. 
The boy hid in the forest with his grandfather when landslides activated in Topcic Polje. 
“I didn’t have any roses that survived to give you, so here are lilies,” said a local man from Topcic Polje.